11 Quotes & Sayings By Chris Kurtz

Chris Kurtz is an author of early childhood curriculum, parenting books, and life coaching. He is the chief executive officer of Chris Kurtz Learning, Inc., which provides early learning programs for children aged 6 weeks through 6 years. He is the author of over 30 parenting books including "Baby Led Weaning," "The Baby Book," "Baby Sleep Book," and "Parenting by Heart." He is the co-founder of the Brandi Love Foundation, which provides training for parents to help them influence their children's behavior through social emotional learning. He lives in Virginia with his wife and four children.

Son, you never know who will step up with the brains and talent in a time of need and be the right one for the job. Chris Kurtz
The field was covered with ice crystals sticking up like a garden of little diamonds. Sophia was beside her now, and the two animals walked slowly into the crystal blossoms. Flora was enchanted. For a moment she forgot she was hungry, tired, and ill-equipped to make this journey. She forgot to worry about Oscar. She forgot to worry that there would never be a useful job for her. She kicked up her front hooves with each step and watched the ice crystals scatter in front of her. . Chris Kurtz
This was a cruel world she had been born into, all pink and squirming. She'd never wanted to see reality. Now, like the cold, it was impossible to ignore. Chris Kurtz
But that night in her dream she flew high above the earth in a moonless sky. Behind her, like a falling star, sailed a silver sled. Chris Kurtz
You don't have to look for trouble. It will find you. And when that happens"-- Luna disappeared, but her voice continued--"keep up that great spirit and make a plan, because nine lives is just a state of mind. Chris Kurtz
How unlucky she was--born with adventurous hooves that were stuck inside a pen. But she wasn't giving up. If there was a way out, Flora said to herself, she would find it. Chris Kurtz
I think we're all aiming to be something better than what everyone thinks we were born to be Chris Kurtz
You'll never make it out there. You weren't made for South Pole adventures." Flora gave her an icy look. "I think I know by now what I was made for. Chris Kurtz
The stars were extra bright tonight, and they shone and glimmered as if each one had something it wanted to say. Chris Kurtz
Cats may have nine lives, but pigs .. . don't .. . give .. . up. Chris Kurtz